Weapon statistics


weapon familypsychic_pvpsetup time0data version2.9.11 (rbf)
damage typepsychic_pvpteardown time0
fire while movingyesmoving accuracy0.5
is meleenodamage to retreating5

Base damage & range

range0–30health damage300courage damage0

Firing pattern

wind up0burst durationreload frequency0–0rate of fire
wind down0cooldown1reload duration0–0projectiles0

Damage per second

These directional DPS calculations do not account for accuracy (e.g. lascannon shooting at small target), cover, movement, etc. so they may be misleading. Values for weapons that fire a scatter of missiles (projectiles) or weapons used for abilities are not reliable. If the weapon has more than one projectile per shot that deals damage, the damage per second here assumes damage based on all projectiles hitting their target; and health damage values in these cases is the health damage per projectile.

Area effect

angle left0area | distant10damage | distant0.1damage to friendly1
angle right0area | long8damage | long0.2
area radius10area | medium4damage | medium0.3
area typeCirclearea | short1damage | short1

On kill actions

    "on_self": {}
    "on_target": {}

On detonate actions

  "apply_deformation_action": {
    "$REF": "actions/critical/apply_deformation_action",
    "cover_type": "tp_light",
    "deform_decal": {
      "$REF": "deform_table",
      "cover_type": "tp_open",
      "deform_decal_file": "",
      "deform_type": "additive",
      "limited": true,
      "random_rotation": false,
      "rotation": 0,
      "vertical_scale": 0
    "rotation": 0,
    "scale": {
      "x": 10,
      "y": 10
    "splat_list": {
      "splat_type": {
        "$REF": "types/terrain/splat_type",
        "splat_texture": "nm_craters/assualt_land_01",
        "terrain_material": ""
    "undoable": false
  "delay": {
    "$REF": "actions/ability/delay",
    "delay": 0.1,
    "delayed_actions": [
        "delay": {
          "$REF": "actions/ability/delay",
          "delay": 0.5,
          "delayed_actions": [
              "target_action": {
                "$REF": "actions/ability/target_action",
                "area_info": {
                  "angle_left": 0,
                  "angle_right": 0,
                  "area_type": "Circle",
                  "line_length": 0,
                  "radius": 10,
                  "radius_inner": 0
                "die_with_creator": true,
                "do_recalc_targets": false,
                "duration": 0,
                "stationary": false,
                "subactions": [
                    "damage": {
                      "$REF": "actions/ability/damage",
                      "application_type": "simulate_weapon_hit",
                      "courage_damage": 0,
                      "damage": 15,
                      "damage_type": "weapons/weapon_damage/pvp/piercing_pvp",
                      "death_type": {
                        "$REF": "weapons/weapon_death_type",
                        "gibbing": 0,
                        "ragdoll": 0
                      "extreme_kills": [],
                      "leveling_weapon_type_damage": "melee",
                      "morale_damage": 0,
                      "percentage": false,
                      "show_health_kicker": false
                    "knockback_action": {
                      "$REF": "actions/ability/knockback_action",
                      "crush_type": "passability/light_crusher",
                      "domino_strength": 50,
                      "flight_distance": 10,
                      "flight_loft": 0.5,
                      "knockback_type": "weapon_knockback",
                      "levitate": {
                        "duration": 0,
                        "scatter_angle": 0
                      "scatter_angle": 0,
                      "scatter_flight": 0,
                      "specials": {
                        "ignore_pathfinding": false,
                        "knock_towards_executer": false
                "sweep_type": "none",
                "targets": [
                    "entity_type_to_choose": ""
                    "exclude_self": true
                    "prefer_squads": false
                    "target_info": {
                      "$REF": "types/targets/enemy"
                "use_direction": false
          "display_progress_bar": false
        "target_action": {
          "$REF": "actions/ability/target_action",
          "area_info": {
            "angle_left": 0,
            "angle_right": 0,
            "area_type": "Circle",
            "line_length": 0,
            "radius": 10,
            "radius_inner": 0
          "die_with_creator": true,
          "do_recalc_targets": false,
          "duration": 0,
          "stationary": false,
          "subactions": [
              "damage": {
                "$REF": "actions/ability/damage",
                "application_type": "simulate_weapon_hit",
                "courage_damage": 0,
                "damage": 20,
                "damage_type": "weapons/weapon_damage/pvp/piercing_pvp",
                "death_type": {
                  "$REF": "weapons/weapon_death_type",
                  "gibbing": 0,
                  "ragdoll": 0
                "extreme_kills": [],
                "leveling_weapon_type_damage": "melee",
                "morale_damage": 0,
                "percentage": false,
                "show_health_kicker": false
              "knockback_action": {
                "$REF": "actions/ability/knockback_action",
                "crush_type": "passability/light_crusher",
                "domino_strength": 80,
                "flight_distance": 10,
                "flight_loft": 0.5,
                "knockback_type": "weapon_knockback",
                "levitate": {
                  "duration": 0,
                  "scatter_angle": 0
                "scatter_angle": 0,
                "scatter_flight": 0,
                "specials": {
                  "ignore_pathfinding": false,
                  "knock_towards_executer": false
          "sweep_type": "none",
          "targets": [
              "entity_type_to_choose": ""
              "exclude_self": true
              "prefer_squads": false
              "target_info": {
                "$REF": "types/targets/enemy"
          "use_direction": false
    "display_progress_bar": false
  "fire_and_forget_action": {
    "$REF": "actions/ability/fire_and_forget_action",
    "sub_actions": [
        "trigger_dca_action": {
          "$REF": "actions/ability/trigger_dca_action",
          "align_with": "identity",
          "dca_action_name": "abilities/tyranid/poison_gas_15m",
          "duration": 10,
          "is_terrain_only": false
        "convert_to_position_action": {
          "$REF": "actions/ability/convert_to_position_action",
          "sub_actions": [
              "repeat_action": {
                "$REF": "actions/ability/repeat_action",
                "frequency": 0.5,
                "number_of_repeats": 20,
                "sub_actions": [
                    "target_action": {
                      "$REF": "actions/ability/target_action",
                      "area_info": {
                        "angle_left": 0,
                        "angle_right": 0,
                        "area_type": "Circle",
                        "line_length": 0,
                        "radius": 15,
                        "radius_inner": 0
                      "die_with_creator": true,
                      "do_recalc_targets": false,
                      "duration": 0,
                      "stationary": false,
                      "subactions": [
                          "damage": {
                            "$REF": "actions/ability/damage",
                            "application_type": "simulate_weapon_hit",
                            "courage_damage": 0,
                            "damage": 3,
                            "damage_type": "weapons/weapon_damage/pvp/piercing_pvp",
                            "death_type": {
                              "$REF": "weapons/weapon_death_type",
                              "gibbing": 0,
                              "ragdoll": 0
                            "extreme_kills": [],
                            "leveling_weapon_type_damage": "unapplicable",
                            "morale_damage": 0,
                            "percentage": false,
                            "show_health_kicker": false
                          "trigger_dca_action": {
                            "$REF": "actions/ability/trigger_dca_action",
                            "align_with": "identity",
                            "dca_action_name": "abilities/tyranid/poison_aura_non_loop",
                            "duration": 1,
                            "is_terrain_only": false
                      "sweep_type": "none",
                      "targets": [
                          "entity_type_to_choose": ""
                          "exclude_self": true
                          "prefer_squads": false
                          "target_info": {
                            "$REF": "types/targets/binary_expr",
                            "operation": "and",
                            "targets": [
                                "enemy": {
                                  "$REF": "types/targets/enemy"
                                "has_unit_type": {
                                  "$REF": "types/targets/has_unit_type",
                                  "unit_type": "infantry"
                      "use_direction": false
                "validate": true
    "validate": true
  "trigger_dca_action": {
    "$REF": "actions/ability/trigger_dca_action",
    "align_with": "identity",
    "dca_action_name": "abilities/tyranid/seismic_roar",
    "duration": 2,
    "is_terrain_only": false