Elite Stats & Leagues

Quest’s Heresy • 13:49

Sat 23 Sep 2017 @ 17:35
DoW II Elite 2.7.0
ID: 30879671/19387

DL Zog it
00:11Mintedthanks for hosting
00:21Mintedgame 30 for me, you might have a lot more experience :)
00:33ΛrcticFrenzyfasten your seatbelt
02:19Mintedoh comer one warboss
04:19Mintedugh im totally out of position
04:32ΛrcticFrenzytotally ?
04:37ΛrcticFrenzyyou dont know the baserape yet :D
06:31ΛrcticFrenzyhmm what now ? :D
06:36Mintednothing really
06:36ΛrcticFrenzylazy offcomer
06:56Mintedblew the first 2 erngagements
07:03Mintedwith not keeping units together
07:20ΛrcticFrenzyyou seem to know count to two
07:24Mintedand not retreating early enough
08:48Mintedim happy to play again though
08:55Mintedsorry this one not competitive
09:46ΛrcticFrenzycant live without that node
12:02ΛrcticFrenzystill outta position ? :D
12:16Mintedyoure tgetting too cocky
12:29Mintedconsidering your competition
12:47ΛrcticFrenzyim just showing you
12:55ΛrcticFrenzyit can always get worse :D
13:35ΛrcticFrenzyouch :D