Elite Stats & Leagues

Outer Reaches • 34:33

Sat 28 Oct 2017 @ 14:15
DoW II Elite 2.7.1
ID: 31244050/20792

DL Zog it
22:09nothing?nice wouldnt retrreat
26:10nothing?lol ok
26:20nothing?(not only am i given impossible mu
26:26nothing?but my units bug out as well
26:39nothing?shitty map
26:52nothing?like wtf i cant do shit u just retreat then reposition 100X with fc annihilating eve
29:31nothing?its ok just lose termies like a retard play fc still win cus i can buy literally eve
29:37nothing?hope some retard cuck zogs this on esl
29:49nothing?this is literally why league can never work
30:03nothing?just play 1 thing all the time
30:10RiceMuncheri play tm :P
30:11RiceMuncherand inq :P
30:13nothing?get shitstomped in 10 min once you do anything other than your comfort zone
30:25nothing?put 2 bans into league and its gonna be ten times better