Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 08:01

Thu 19 Apr 2018 @ 13:49
DoW II Elite 2.7.2
ID: 33472294/24337

DL Zog it

JLupus WS

Rambo- FC
Master Rostam
01:21Rostamu kick people and bann ppl for no reason man. and u can take a simple critisim
01:30Rostamso dont expect me not to say anything
02:03Rostami basically deleted my discord server to join community in ur server
02:09Rostamand that is the ty i get
02:32Rostambanned for saying a simple word cuz u are angry ...
02:47Rostamin real word u cant behave like this dude .
02:50Rostami hope u change
03:03Rostamfor ur own good . best of luck to you
03:25bossstop crying
03:36Rostami am educating u
03:39Rostamnot crying
03:58Rostambe a man and except ur mistakes
04:04Rostamlike i exept mine